Performing a batch fee payment

For volume applicants the ‘Batch Payment’ option provides you with the option to make a payment of single or multiple Fee Advices, rather than making multiple individual payments.

Within the ‘Batch Payment’ dashboard you will have access to the following options.

Create New Batch Payment-  Make payment of a single and/or multiple fee advice payments in one batch by credit card.

Pending Batch Payment- A batch payment has been created with the awaiting payment fee advices linked and pending your action to:

*Complete the batch payment, or

*Delete the batch payment unlinking all associated invoices.

Batch Payment History - Perform a batch payment history search to locate a batch payment by date range, or batch ID number.

Batch Payment Advanced Search - Perform a batch payment advance search to locate a fee payment by batch ID, application ID, fee advice type, and date paid.

  1. Click on Batch Payment available from ‘Your applications’ dashboard.

    The Batch Payment dashboard displays

  2. Click on Create New Batch Payment.
  3. Select the fee advices you wish to pay (tick box), and then Create Batch Payment.

    Click Ok, Continue to acknowledge all selected Fee Advices will be paid in this batch payment.

    Determine whether to continue making the batch payment or resume payment later and then complete the instructions applicable below:

    • Make a batch payment, or
    • Cancel a batch payment.

Make a batch payment

  1. Click on Pay with credit card.
  2. The payment session will open. Enter your credit card details and select Pay Now… to confirm.

    Do not close your browser or navigate away from the payment session without completing your payment or selecting Cancel.

  3. Receipt of payment screen will display to confirm the payment was successful. If the payment was not successful; a Declined screen will appear.
  4. Click Done to complete the action, which will return you to the Batch Payment dashboard.
  5. The Fee Advice - Tax Invoice is generated on payment of the fees and available from the Document store for the applicable application, accessible from the Batch Payment History option.

When a Batch Payment was created but payment was not made, this is called a ‘pending’ batch payment and the resolution of the pending batch payment is required; complete or delete.

  1. Click on Batch Payment available from ‘Your Applications’ dashboard.
  2. Click on Pending Batch Payment to view batch payments awaiting completion.

View fee advices within the batch payment

  1. Click on Batch ID to view the individual Fee Advices.

    The individual Fee Advices within the batch are displayed within the Pending Batch Payment History screen.

  2. Click on Go Back to return to the Pending Batch Payment History screen.
  3. On return to the Pending Batch Payment History screen, determine whether to;
  • Complete the batch payment, or
  • Delete the batch payment.

Complete the batch payment

  1. Click on Complete Payment.
  2. Click on Pay with credit card.
  3. The payment session will open. Enter your credit card details and select Pay Now… to confirm.
  4. Important!
    Do not close your browser or navigate away from the payment session without completing your payment or selecting Cancel.

  5. Receipt of payment screen will display to confirm the payment was successful. If the payment was not successful; a Declined screen will appear.
  6. Click Done to complete the action, which will return you to the Batch Payment dashboard.

The ‘Batch Payment’ dashboard displays. Return to Your Applications dashboard or stay on the Batch Payment dashboard to make another batch payment.

The Fee Advice - Tax Invoice is generated on payment of the fees and available from the Document store for the applicable application, accessible from the Batch Payment History option.

From within the Batch Payment dashboard and the Batch Payment History option you can view the individual paid invoices from the payment batch, and print as required.

You will also receive an email confirming the successful payment and links to follow in order to view the development application or view the Documents screen of the development application to access the Fee Advice - Tax Invoice or print (as required).

  1. Click on Batch Payment History.
  2. Locate the payment batch using the Payment Date Range or Batch ID filter.
  3. Click on the Batch ID to view the individually linked Fee Advices.

    Click on the Application ID to access the Documents store for the application.

  4. Click on Documents tab within the Development Application screen.
  5. Click on Invoices tab to view the application Fee Advices and Tax Invoices.
  6. Click on document name for the Tax Invoice to download.
  7. Click on the Tax Invoice download to view and/or print.
  8. Print the Tax Invoice as needed.
  9. Return to the Development Application Documents screen, then select Your Applications and repeat the steps until all tax invoice/s are printed.
  1. Click on Batch Payment available from ‘Your Applications’ dashboard.

    There are two search options available to locate a Fee Advice payment.

    • Perform a batch payment history search tolocate a batch payment by date range, or batch ID number.
    • Perform a batch payment advance search to locate a fee payment by batch ID, application ID, fee advice type, and date paid.

Perform a batch payment history search

  1. Click on Batch Payment History to view batch payments awaiting completion.
  2. Type or select the payment date range and then Search.

    View the Batch Payment fee advices

  3. Click on Batch ID number to view the individual fee advices that make up the batch.
  4. Go Back, to the search results to perform another search or export the report results.

    Export the Batch Payment fee advices

  5. Click on Export Report to download the search results.
  6. Click on the Batch Payment download to open in Excel.
  7. The search results report opens in Excel, and Enable Editing to make changes or print.
  8. Return to the Batch Payment History screen, and click Clear to remove your search criteria to perform another search.
  9. Go Backto the Batch Payment dashboard to perform another action.

Perform a batch payment advance search

Within the Batch Payment Advance Search you can locate a specific batch, by using one or a combination of search criteria.

  1. Click on Batch Payment History Search to view batch payments awaiting completion.
  2. Enter your search criteria within the applicable field/s, then Search to return matching records.
  3. Click on Export Report to download the search results.
  4. Click on the Batch Payment download to open in Excel.
  5. The search results report opens in Excel, and Enable Editing to make changes or print.
  6. Return to the Batch Payment Advanced Search screen, and click Clear to remove your search criteria to perform another search.
  7. Go Back to the Batch Payment dashboard to perform another action.

More resources, documents and attachments