
MBS 010 - Construction requirements for the control of external sound

This Ministerial Building Standard sets out additional provisions for reducing the level of noise transfer into residential buildings in identified areas.




About this document

This Ministerial Building Standard (MBS 010) contains provisions for reducing the intrusion of unacceptable levels of sound into habitable rooms of residential buildings.

Application of MBS 010 is linked to relevant areas identified in the Planning and Design Code, as set out in the Standard.

This Standard applies to:

  • a new Class 1, 2 or 3 building, Class 4 part of a building and a Class 9c aged care building located in an area identified in a Noise and Emissions Overlay to the Planning and Design Code
  • an addition containing a habitable room, to a Class 1, 2, 3 building, Class 4 part of a building or a Class 9c aged care building located in an area identified in a Noise and Emissions Overlay to the Planning and Design Code.

The requirements of this Standard are additional to those required by the Building Code and do not override any of the Building Code provisions.

A Guide to the MBS 010 (PDF, 3594 KB) provides step-by-step instructions for determining whether noise attenuation is required for a particular location, and to what degree, in accordance with MBS 010. Further information in the Guide includes an explanation of key concepts and frequently asked questions.

Ministerial Building Standards form part of the Building Rules which are used to assess a development application for building consent. All standards must be read in conjunction with the requirements of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure (General) Regulations 2017.