A new planning and development system for all of South Australia

Published Friday, 29 January 2021

The third and final stage of South Australia’s new Planning and Design Code (the Code) is set to go live in metropolitan areas of South Australia on Friday 19 March 2021. This is the final stage in a process which began with the formation of the Expert Panel on Planning Reform in 2013.

The implementation of the new planning system across the entire state will mark a major milestone for planning and development in South Australia, with the completed Code becoming the single reference point for the state’s planning and development industry.

It will consolidate South Australia’s 72 Development Plans into one clear planning rulebook, improving certainty and consistency in decision-making and assessment. It’s South Australia’s biggest reform of planning in 25 years and represents a whole of system transformation that will deliver contemporary policies via a modern digital system.

Stakeholders now have seven weeks to explore the ePlanning system and familiarise themselves with how the PlanSA portal works in preparation for Phase Three ‘go live’ on Friday 19 March. On this day the updated Planning and Design Code incorporating changes from the latest round of public consultation will be released.

During more than six months of public consultation, nearly 2400 submissions were received and 225 consultation events conducted, with all feedback being considered by the State Planning Commission. Further refinements will be made to the Phase Three Code prior to launch in response to the latest round of public consultation. As such the draft Phase Three Code currently available for review on the PlanSA portal is ‘subject to change’.

Education and training sessions are in place for councils and industry representatives to ensure they are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to work within the new planning system. More than 750 staff have already participated in PlanSA training sessions held in late 2020 with a further 2000 registered for training in early 2021.

Further sessions for community members will be made available closer to Phase Three commencement. During these sessions PlanSA representatives will demonstrate how the new ePlanning system works and how to lodge a development application.

Importantly, any development applications submitted prior to 19 March 2021 for metropolitan areas will continue to be assessed and approved under the current planning system. The launch of the new planning system will not affect any development application already in progress.

Further information

For more information visit www.plan.sa.gov.au or contact the PlanSA Service Desk on 1800 752 664 or email PlanSA@sa.gov.au.

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